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Level 2
Live, Remote, Instructor-led
July 11 – 14, 2023
Trainers: Ronda Reitz, PhD and Samiram Saghafi, PsyD
Research indicates that DBT skills are a key mechanism of change for suicide attempts, non-suicidal self-injury, depression, and anger, and multiple randomized control trials have shown DBT skills to be effective for a variety of problems, including depression, emotion dysregulation, binge eating, and borderline personality disorder.
This training provides in-depth training in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Skills: Core Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, and Interpersonal Effectiveness, as well as the training methods required to help patients move from skills acquisition to generalization of skills into their natural environments. The intended purpose of the various skills and the rationale (including the evidence) for their place in the treatment are addressed. Clinical examples are used to illustrate specific skills training procedures. Participants will learn key teaching points for the various skills. Video of roundtable discussions of DBT experts, and demonstrations of a skills training class are incorporated.
The training consist of 16 segments for a total of 24 instructional hours over 4 days. Consolidation of knowledge from training requires preparation and tasks beyond the time spent with trainers. In order to maximize the return on the investment made in training, readings, homework tasks, and a knowledge test are built in. We estimate that participants should plan on additional 24 hours of time to complete these. Pertinent readings and homework tasks are included in a description of the training segment included later in this document.
Participants should have Dr. Marsha Linehan’s DBT® Skills Training Manual, Second Edition available during the training.
DBT skills training is one of 4 modes of standard outpatient DBT. For those who want to implement a full DBT program we recommend completion of the comprehensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy Intensive Training.
Primary Objective
As a result of this training participants will be able to conduct DBT skills training.
Learning Objectives
As a result of this training, participants will be able to:
July 11 – July 14, 2023
9:30am – 5:00pm Central Time / 7:30am – 3:00pm Pacific Time / 10:30am – 6:00pm Eastern Time
Sign-in from 9:00am – 9:30am Central Time / 7:00am – 7:30am Pacific Time / 10:00am – 10:30am Eastern Time
Columbia, MO (United States) Ronda Oswalt Reitz, Ph.D., is the Coordinator for Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) services for the Missouri Department of Mental Health. In this role, she is charged with the implementation, support, and evaluation of DBT programming in public mental health settings statewide. Dr. Reitz specializes in large-scale implementation of DBT and has developed comprehensive DBT programming in community mental health systems, inpatient hospitals, and in juvenile and adult forensic settings. Dr. Reitz is also a national trainer-consultant for Behavioral Tech, the treatment dissemination company founded by Dr. Marsha Linehan, the developer of DBT. Dr. Reitz is a graduate of the University of Kansas.
Samiram (Sami) Saghafi, PsyD is a Content Development Specialist and a member of the Research, Development and Training team at Behavioral Tech. Dr. Saghafi has dedicated herself to the research and treatment of suicidality. Prior to beginning a doctoral program in clinical psychology, Dr. Saghafi obtained a master’s degree from the Catholic University of America and conducted research for the Suicide Prevention Lab under the supervision of David A. Jobes. She then began providing DBT early in her doctoral training at La Salle University in Philadelphia, PA within a variety of settings, including community mental health clinics, inpatient psychiatric hospitals, and college counseling centers. Dr. Saghafi later completed a postdoctoral fellowship in New York under the supervision of Alec L. Miller.
Dr. Saghafi joined the BTECH team because she is passionate about discussing and teaching DBT and hopes to increase the dissemination of effective training in DBT around the world. She is a licensed clinical psychologist in New York and Pennsylvania and continues to participate in a weekly DBT consultation team with her colleagues in Pittsburgh. She currently lives in Pittsburgh, PA.
The training is intended for those who have prior knowledge of DBT, and who want to learn DBT skills in depth to improve their work with their clients. Specifically, participants should either complete Dialectical Behavior Therapy Foundational Training, Dialectical Behavior Therapy Intensive Training, or Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills: Introduction before participating in this training. Alternately, participants can prepare by in-depth reading of Dr. Marsha Linehan’s DBT Skills Training Manual, Second Edition, on which this training relies.
Preparation & Training Requirements
Participants should complete pertinent readings before the workshop and plan to solidify their knowledge by completing homework tasks after the workshop. Daily quizzes are included. In order to receive CE/CME participants must pass a final exam with a score of at least 75%. The final exam is based on the quiz items.
Readings for DBT Skills Training
The readings pertinent to workshops on DBT Skills Training can be found in the primary text listed below. Each DBT provider should have access to a copy.
A note for those who work with adolescents and their families:
1. Primary text for DBT skills training
Linehan, M. M. (2015). DBT Skills Training Manual(2nd ed.). The Guilford Press.
2. Supplemental reading for DBT skills training with adolescents and their families
Rathus, J. H., & Miller, A.L. (2015). DBT Skills Manual for Adolescents. The Guilford Press.
Tuition Information
IMPORTANT: Two weeks prior to the training, participants will receive an email from our Online Portal (powered by Thinkific) with a sign-in URL for this training. Please follow the instructions in the email to log in to our Online Portal and set your password, prior to Day 1 of the training.
Participants will retain access to the online course until 1 month after the last training session date. All course requirements must be completed before course access expires.
Please email if you have any questions about accessing your training.
Cancellations, Substitutions and Refunds
For a complete list of Behavioral Tech policies and limits of liability, see our Sales & Refund Policy page.
This offering meets the requirements for the following hours by discipline. Licensing and continuing education requirements vary by state. Please contact your state’s regulatory authority to verify if this course meets your licensing or continuing education requirements. Inquiries regarding CE for other disciplines not listed may be directed to Behavioral Tech at (206) 675-8589 or via email to And for general CE questions, you can review answers to continuing education FAQs or contact us.
CE NOTE: Behavioral Tech calculates the continuing education credits for this training by the start time and end time. 100 percent attendance is required, as is signing IN and OUT each morning and afternoon, to receive CE credits. Only participants with 100% attendance, and who have completed the Post-Event Evaluation and passed their Final Exam with a score of 75% or higher will receive credit. Behavioral Tech cannot offer partial credit. Please remember to sign in and sign out each day to document your attendance. Continuing Education documentation will be emailed to you 4-6 weeks after the last day of training.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors
Behavioral Tech is approved by NAADAC – the Association for Addiction Professionals, Provider #77431. You will receive a letter via email documenting your attendance upon successful completion of the activity. The allotted contact hours for this activity = 24.
Mental Health Counselors
Behavioral Tech is approved by an NBCC-Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP™) and may offer NBCC-approved clock hours for events that meet NBCC requirements. The ACEP solely is responsible for all aspects of the program.
Behavioral Tech will email you a letter documenting your attendance upon the successful completion of the activity. The allocated clock hours for this activity = 24.
Behavioral Tech is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Nurses should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Continuing Medical Education is accepted by the ANCC for nursing certification renewal. The maximum AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ designated by Behavioral Tech for this activity = 24
Behavioral Tech is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. The maximum AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ designated by Behavioral Tech for this activity = 24.
Behavioral Tech is approved by the American Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. Behavioral Tech maintains responsibility for the program and its content. Behavioral Tech will email you a letter documenting your attendance after the successful completion of the program and homework. The number of hours Behavioral Tech has allocated for this activity = 24.
Psychologists – New York
Behavioral Tech is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists, #PSY-0063. Behavioral Tech will email a certificate of attendance upon 100% completion of this activity. The total contact hour allocated for this activity = 24.
Social Workers- Washington
Behavioral Tech will apply to the NASW, Washington State Chapter, Provider Number 1975-166, to offer continuing education for Certified Social Workers. Behavioral Tech will email a certificate of attendance upon 100% completion of this activity. The hours of CE allocated for this activity = 24.
Social Workers – New York
Behavioral Tech is approved by recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers, #0040. Behavioral Tech will email a letter documenting attendance to participants with 100% completion of the program and homework. The hours allocated for this activity = 24.
General CE/CME Disclosures and Policies
Conflict of interest definition: A conflict of interest may be considered to exist if a continuing education course faculty is affiliated with, or has any significant financial interest, in any organization(s) that may have a direct interest in the subject matter of the presentation or may be co-sponsoring or offering financial support to the course. Situations involving a potential conflict of interest are not inherently bad or wrong, but in accordance with standards for continuing medical education we would like you to be aware of the affiliation/financial interest of your instructors.
Faculty Disclaimer: When an unlabelled use of a commercial product, or an investigative use not yet approved for any purpose is discussed during an educational activity, we shall require the speaker to disclose that the product is not labeled for the use under discussion or that the product is still investigative.
Notice of requirements for successful completion: For all trainings (both in-person and remote), participants must attend 100% of the training and complete the Final Evaluation to receive a certificate of successful completion. This includes signing in and out each day/session of the event. For remote, Instructor-led online training, participants have to pass the Post Assessment(s) with a score of 75% or higher.
Commercial support or sponsorship: There is no commercial company support for this CME/CE event.
Noncommercial Sponsor Support: There is no noncommercial sponsor support for this CME/CE activity.
Non-Endorsement of Products: The Behavioral Tech approval status refers only to continuing education activities and does not imply that there is real or implied endorsement of any product, service, or company referred to in this activity nor of any company subsidizing costs related to the activity.
Off-Label Product Use: This CME/CE activity does not include any unannounced information about off-label use of a product for a purpose other than that for which it was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Disclosure of Relevant Financial Relationships: Faculty members are required to disclose all conflicts of interest and any relevant financial relationships that may affect the training content. Unless specified on Behavioral Tech’s website or on other printed materials/media, none of the individuals in a position to control the content of this CE/CME activity (including planners, editors, CE/CME Review Committee members, faculty presenters, moderators/facilitators, reviewers, etc.) have any relevant financial relationships to disclose.
CE Reprint Policy: For missing/lost CE documentation, an administrative fee of $50 is required for all CE/CME activities after 2017. For CE reprints prior to 2017, please refer to the website or contact Please refer to the CE FAQ webpage:
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