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Level 3
Live, Remote, Instructor-led
Part 1: September 19 – 23, 2022
Part 2: March 20 – 24, 2023
Trainer: Christine Foertsch, PhD
Presenter: Margarita Lorence
Training Description
Since its initial development in the 1980s DBT has been shown to be effective for an array of problems related to emotion dysregulation. We know severe emotion regulation difficulties result in persons facing multiple problems across many areas of life and that these problems manifest in a variety of ways. The principles of DBT were specifically designed for cases which often present therapists with novel challenges. One of the benefits of a principle-based treatment is that it can be versatile enough to accommodate the specific situations, cultures, and contexts of the persons it serves. DBT has been studied and implemented in multiple countries across the globe.
DBT Intensive training is a comprehensive team-based program of study designed to provide teams with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide DBT. It focuses on both the establishment of comprehensive DBT programs and the clinical skills necessary to provide the treatment to persons with complex mental health problems. Intensive training in DBT includes 4 hours of content specific to risk assessment, management, and treatment of suicidal behaviors.
The program is divided into 2 parts that are designed to guide teams to accomplish four phases of DBT program implementation. While Parts 1 and 2 are described separately, they comprise a single program of study.
Part 1 (30 instructional hours)
Part 2 (30 instructional hours)
In Part 1, lectures, demonstrations of treatment, and small group exercises are used to teach DBT theory and strategies in-depth. Upon conclusion of Part 1, participants consolidate and apply what they have learned with the help of practice assignments that are intended to guide the implementation process. Teams design and begin to implement their own DBT programs or to integrate DBT into an ongoing treatment setting. In Part 2, each team presents their work and receives expert consultation on specific cases and on their program, including protocols for specific treatment problems and adaptations of DBT.
This live remote instructor-led program of study consists of 10 days of training, divided into 2 parts of 5 days each, delivered via video conference embedded in a learning management system (LMS) for a total of 60 instructor-led hours. The typical length of the full course of study is 6 months to 1 year.
Primary Objective:
As a result of this training participants will be able to provide DBT.
Part 1 – Learning Objectives:
Part 2 – Learning Objectives:
Part 1: September 19 – 23, 2022
Part 2: March 20 – 24, 2023
Days 1-5 (Part 1): 10:00am-5:30pm Eastern Time/9:00-4:30pm Central Time/ 7:00am-2:30pm Pacific Time
Days 6-9 (Part 2): 10:00am-6:00pm Eastern Time/9:00-5:00pm Central Time/ 7:00am-3:00pm Pacific Time
Day 10 (Part 2): 10:00am-4:30pm Eastern Time/9:00-3:30pm Central Time/ 7:00am-1:30pm Pacific Time
New York, NY (United States
Christine Foertsch, PhD, has been learning, delivering, and teaching Dialectical Behavior Therapy for almost 30 years. In 1994, she completed postdoctoral training at the New York Presbyterian Hospital in Westchester County, NY, where Marsha Linehan had just spent a sabbatical. teaching DBT to the staff, applying DBT to the patients there, and completing the seminal book on DBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder.
Dr. Foertsch trained nationally and internationally for the Behavioral Technology Transfer Group (B-Tech) for over 20 years, consulting to individual practitioners, programs and hospitals, and entire state systems. In 1998, she developed and led a DBT Day Treatment Program in a large urban hospital setting, treating complex and high-risk patients in a fast paced and demanding environment. She taught and worked there until 2002, when she became the mom of twins. Since then, Dr. Foertsch has developed a private practice on the Upper West Side of New York City where she continues to learn to do DBT from every patient she sees.
Margarita Lorence, PhD, is a private practitioner specializing in DBT, CBT and self-compassion with adults. She is certified in prolonged exposure therapy, integrating self-compassion in psychotherapy and trained as a mindfulness teacher. She completed intensive training in both standard DBT and DBT-PE with expert trainers. Dr. Lorence has taught and supervised graduate students in Dialectical Behavior Therapy. In her practice she focuses on integrating self-compassion and mindfulness into trauma treatment.
All team members must read the following prior to Part 1:
The course is designed for those who have begun learning DBT from self-guided study of the treatment manuals and introductory workshops. It is intended for teams who are invested in learning DBT to a high standard in order to better implement the treatment in their settings. Since DBT is a treatment that requires an ongoing consultation team, the Intensive Training is designed for treatment teams. It is not designed for individual practitioners intending to practice alone.
A DBT team (minimum of 3, maximum of 8) is a group of mental health professionals who meet at least weekly to assist each other in applying DBT in their practice setting. With the intent to provide the highest quality training experience, it is our goal to have a maximum of eight teams for each DBT Intensive Training. Teams should discuss and clarify their level of commitment prior to completing their application as course enrollment is limited, and there is a competitive demand for this training.
This list includes readings that are required for comprehensive training (Foundational or Intensive) in DBT. Each DBT provider should have a personal copy of the primary texts. Bold text corresponds to the abbeviations for the pertinent readings for each module.
Primary texts required for DBT training
Additional texts/articles required for comprehensive DBT training
Behavior Therapy: At least one
Exposure Procedures: At least one
Required for DBT for Adolescents
Specific chapters required for adaptations of DBT
Supplemental Readings
How To Register
Please designate your Team Lead for the purposes of registering your team members and payment of application fee for all team members. Both applications and payments are made as a group. Once the application fees have been submitted, Team Leads should remind all team members to complete their Individual Applications as soon as possible.
How To Apply
Once you pay your application fee, please complete the SurveyMonkey Application.
Behavioral Tech’s Application Review Process
Tuition Information
Cancellations, Substitutions and Refunds: Due to the comprehensive nature of this training, there are no cancellations or substitutions available. If extenuating circumstances arise that prevent full attendance, please contact us as soon as possible to discuss your situation. We will do our best to provide alternative options for completing training curriculum. For a complete list of Behavioral Tech policies and limits of liability, see our Sales & Refund Policy page.
Payment Terms: We accept credit cards (Discover, MasterCard, Visa, and American Express), U.S. checks, and bank transfers. All payments must be in U.S. funds; we are unable to accept foreign checks. Please contact Customer Service at 206.675.8588 or at for more information about ACH or wire transfer payment options.
Special Accommodations: If you require special accommodations due to a disability, please contact Behavioral Tech at 206.675.8588 four weeks prior to the training so that we may provide you with appropriate service.
IMPORTANT: Two weeks prior to the training, participants will receive an email from our Online Portal (powered by Thinkific) with a sign-in URL for this training. Please follow the instructions in the email to log in to our Online Portal and set your password, prior to Day 1 of the training.
Participants will retain access to the online course until 1 month after the last training session date. All course requirements must be completed before course access expires.
Please email if you have any questions about accessing your training.
This offering meets the requirements for the following hours by discipline. Licensing and continuing education requirements vary by state. Please contact your state’s regulatory authority to verify if this course meets your licensing or continuing education requirements. Inquiries regarding CE for other disciplines not listed may be directed to Behavioral Tech at (206) 675-8589 or via email to
Behavioral Tech calculates the continuing education credits for this training by the start time and end time. 100% attendance is required, as is signing IN and OUT each morning and afternoon, to receive CE credits. A majority of CE Boards do not allow partial credits to be issued. Only participants with 100% attendance, and who have completed the Post-Event Evaluations and passed their Final Exams with a score of 75% or higher for both Part 1 and Part 2 will receive credit. Behavioral Tech cannot offer partial credit. Please remember to sign in and sign out each day to document your attendance. Continuing Education documentation will be emailed to you 4-6 weeks after the last day of the Part 2 training.
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC)
Behavioral Tech is approved by NAADAC – the Association for Addiction Professionals, Provider #77431. Behavioral Tech, LLC is responsible for all aspects of the programming. You will receive a letter via email documenting your attendance upon successful completion of the activity. The allotted CE hours for this activity = 60.
Mental Health Counselors
Behavioral Tech is approved as a NBCC-Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP™), ACEP No. 5885. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Behavioral Tech, LLC, is solely responsible for all aspects of the program. Behavioral Tech will email you a letter documenting your attendance upon successful completion of the activity. The allocated clock hours for this activity = 60.
Behavioral Tech is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Nurses should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Continuing Medical Education is accepted by the ANCC for nursing certification renewal. The maximum AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ designated by Behavioral Tech for this activity = 60.
Behavioral Tech is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. The maximum AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ designated by Behavioral Tech for this activity = 60.
Behavioral Tech is approved the American Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. Behavioral Tech maintains responsibility for the program and its content. Behavioral Tech will email you a letter documenting your attendance after successful completion of the program and homework. The number of hours Behavioral Tech has allocated within APA guidelines = 60.
Psychologists – NY
Behavioral Tech is approved by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists, #PSY-0063. Behavioral Tech will email a certificate of attendance upon 100% completion of this activity. The total contact hour allocated for this activity = 60.
Social Workers- WA
Behavioral Tech will apply the NASW, Washington State Chapter, Provider Number 1975-166, to offer continuing education for Certified Social Workers. Behavioral Tech will email a certificate of attendance upon 100% completion of this activity. The hours of CE allocated for this activity = 60.
Social Workers – NY
Behavioral Tech is approved recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers, #0040. Behavioral Tech will email a letter documenting attendance to participants with 100% completion of the program and homework. The hours allocated for this activity = 60.
General CE/CME Disclosures and Policies
Conflict of interest definition: A conflict of interest may be considered to exist if a continuing education course faculty is affiliated with, or has any significant financial interest, in any organization(s) that may have a direct interest in the subject matter of the presentation or may be co-sponsoring or offering financial support to the course. Situations involving a potential conflict of interest are not inherently bad or wrong, but in accordance with standards for continuing medical education we would like you to be aware of the affiliation/financial interest of your instructors.
Faculty Disclaimer: When an unlabelled use of a commercial product, or an investigative use not yet approved for any purpose is discussed during an educational activity, we shall require the speaker to disclose that the product is not labeled for the use under discussion or that the product is still investigative.
Notice of requirements for successful completion: For all trainings (both in-person and remote), participants must attend 100% of the training and complete the Final Evaluation to receive a certificate of successful completion. This includes signing in and out each day/session of the event. For remote, Instructor-led online training, participants have to pass the Post Assessment(s) with a score of 75% or higher.
Commercial support or sponsorship: There is no commercial company support for this CME/CE event.
Noncommercial Sponsor Support: There is no noncommercial sponsor support for this CME/CE activity.
Non-Endorsement of Products: The Behavioral Tech approval status refers only to continuing education activities and does not imply that there is real or implied endorsement of any product, service, or company referred to in this activity nor of any company subsidizing costs related to the activity.
Off-Label Product Use: This CME/CE activity does not include any unannounced information about off-label use of a product for a purpose other than that for which it was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Disclosure of Relevant Financial Relationships: Faculty members are required to disclose all conflicts of interest and any relevant financial relationships that may affect the training content. Unless specified on Behavioral Tech’s website or on other printed materials/media, none of the individuals in a position to control the content of this CE/CME activity (including planners, editors, CE/CME Review Committee members, faculty presenters, moderators/facilitators, reviewers, etc.) have any relevant financial relationships to disclose.
CE Reprint Policy: For missing/lost CE documentation, an administrative fee of $50 is required for all CE/CME activities after 2017. For CE reprints prior to 2017, please refer to the website or contact Please refer to the CE FAQ webpage:
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